Lectures at University of Ulm

“Data Analytics – Methoden und Fallstudien”; Bachelor; Summer 2023 and Summer 2024
“Big Data Analytics – Methoden und Anwendungen”; Master; Summer 2020 and Summer 2024

Tutorials at University of UIm:

“Customer Relationship Management und Customer Analytics”; Bachelor; Winter 2023/2024
“Social Network Analysis – Methoden, Konzepte und Anwendungen”; Master; Winter 2016/2017-2022/2023
“Data Analytics – Methoden und Fallstudien”; Bachelor; Summer 2022
“Big Data Analytics – Methoden und Anwendungen”; Master; Summer 2017-2019

Courses at Baden-Württemberg Centre for Teaching and Learning:

“ChatGPT und andere KI-Tools gezielt in der Lehre einsetzen”; University Didactics Course; Summer 2024

Mentorships at School of Advanced Professional Studies (Ulm):

“Big (Social) Data Analytics – Methoden und Anwendungen”; Master (extra-occupational); Summer 2022
“Social Media Analytics”; Master (extra-occupational); Summer 2019 and 2020

Awards and teaching projects:

“Teaching Incubator 2023 of the University of Ulm”: The rapid developments in the field of dialog-oriented AI such as ChatGPT pose new challenges, but also great potential for teaching. Regarding the potential for teaching, two questions arise: How can conversational AI tools support students’ learning processes? How can students be prepared for dealing with dialog-oriented AI tools in their later professional life (keyword: “AI Literacy”)? In the teaching incubator “KI-Kistle” (Swabian for “Little AI (Tool)Box”), I develop and evaluate possible applications of dialog-oriented AI tools to support academic teaching together with Prof. Dr. Mathias Klier and Dr. Maximilian Förster.